Federal State | Bayern | Metropolitan Area | Oberbayern |
County | Rosenheim | Association of local authorities | Albaching |
Category | Municipality | County |
Population | Available | Available |
Reachability | Available | Available |
Statistical data | Not available | Available |
Assessment rates | Available | Available |
Industry distribution | Available | Available |
Failure rate | Not available | Historical data |
Median market rents in Albaching (2024)
Category | Municipality | County |
Storage areas | Available | Available |
Logistics, distribution, and reloading spaces | Available | Available |
Production areas | Available | Available |
Office spaces | Available | Available |
The indicated market rent are the medians of the asking rents on the basis of the focused community. For this purpose, all offers in all major real estate portals were evaluated and then clustered according to main types of use and facility/equipment classes. Besides comparable object types and location, comparable soil values are also used. The median results from at least five comparable buildings.
The rents are shown seperately according to the equipment classes modern (A), functional (B) and simple (C) as well as the main utilisation types logisitcs, warehouse (storage) and production, amounting to Euro per each square meter (€/sqm) for the gross floor area (BGF).
To avoid the problem of "outliers" in the data groups, the median was deliberately chosen.
The indicated rental prices for office spaces refer exclusively to office space in commercial and / or industrial areas, which are located directly in or on an indoor area.
Average property rates in Albaching (2024)
Category | Municipality | County |
Equipment class A | Available | Available |
Equipment class B | Available | Available |
Equipment class C | Available | Available |
The property yield is defined in accordance with § 14 (3) of the ImmoWertV:
The real estate yield (capitalization interest rates, § 193 (5) sentence 2 point 1 of the Baugesetzbuch) are the yieldat which the market values of real estate, depending on the type of real estate, are subject to normal market interest rates. They are to be derived on the basis of suitable purchase prices and their corresponding net income for similarly constructed and used land, taking into account the remaining useful life of the buildings in accordance with the principles of the capitalized earnings method (§§ 17 to 20).
The real estate yield is calculated using a converted earnings formula (income value method) analogous to ImmoWertV. The determination here is carried out iteratively.
The stated real estate yield is at community level. The classification A, B and C refers to an industrial property with:
In case of mature industrial plants, the building age per building part or the fictitious mean building age of the entire plant must be used.
Average maintenance costs in the district
Category | County |
Storage areas | Available |
Logistics, distribution, and reloading spaces | Available |
Production areas | Available |
Office spaces | Available |
Maintenance costs are costs incurred to keep the building in its intended and contractual condition. In this case, the costs of the commercial tenancy agreement can in principle be assigned to the tenant, the landlord or even partially to both contracting parties.
Average administrative costs in the district
Category | County |
Storage areas | Available |
Logistics, distribution, and reloading spaces | Available |
Production areas | Available |
Office spaces | Available |
Administrative costs are, according to § 19 ImmoWertV, costs for the manpower and facilities necessary for the administration of the property as well as the legal or voluntary examination of the annual financial statement and supervision.
Order foreclosure sale report by Argetra – Recovery rate and procedure duration for evaluating suffering industrial real estate.
Category | Municipality |
Revenue in % (by date) of responsibe local district court, commercial and interest yield objects | Not available |
Event count | Not available |
Object count | Not available |
Interval between endorsement and first auction (local district court) | Not available |
Duration of bidding procedure (from endorsement till final date) (local district court) | Not available |
Time till followup (local district court) | Not available |